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Classic chrome for the X100s

For X100s owners who are interested in trying out classic chrome (e.g. in Lightroom/ACR) for pictures taken with their X100s, you have to change the camera model in the exif from X100S to X100T. You can do that using many tools, though ExifTool by Phil Harvey is free and pretty efficient (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/).

Here are a couple of scripts you can use after you've installed the command line tool, took me a bit of trial and error to get it working so I figured I'd pass along what I learned to others who may be interested:

  1. Change the model from X100s to X100T for all files with the JPG extension in the following folder:
    exiftool -model="X100T" -ext .JPG -r "/Volumes/HD Name/Folder name/Folder name/" -overwrite_original
  2. Change the model from X100s to X100T for all files with the RAF extension in the following folder:
    exiftool -model="X100T" -ext .RAF -r "/Volumes/HD Name/Folder name/Folder name/" -overwrite_original
  3. Create a copy of the original file as a backup, then in the original file, change the model from X100s to X100T for all files with the JPG extension in the following folder:
    exiftool -model="X100T" -ext .JPG -r "/Volumes/HD Name/Folder name/Folder name/"
  4. Create a copy of the original file as a backup, then in the original file, change the model from X100s to X100T for the specific file:
    exiftool -model="X100T" "/Volumes/HD Name/Folder name/Folder name/file name.jpg"

A few extra notes:

  1. I've had to put quotes around the directories and file paths because I have spaces in my folder names. I'm on a mac, perhaps you don't have to do it on PC. Try and see.
  2. When you change the model number on RAF files, the application will spit out a warning message. It still works, it's a minor issue as far as I can tell.
  3. Before you do this, back up your images.
  4. Be sure of the directory you are pointing the command line tool. As far as I can tell, you can always change it back to X100S so no biggie.
  5. The application does a lot more than just this, I've only ever used it to change model numbers.
  6. I did a quick comparison between the same two JPGs, one tagged as X100s and the other as X100T, I didn't notice a difference.
