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Lightroom 4 woes

Adobe has been on a tear lately, annoying very loyal photographer-first clients, sending mixed marketing messages, Lightroom 5 (beta-like) issues etc. The announcement of Adobe CC and the subscription model is what really irked many (including myself) though. But it’s the little things that annoy me most since I can live with Photoshop 5 for a while longer. Little things like Lightroom 4 not able to open raw files from an Olympus E-P5. The sensor of course is the same as the E-M5, but for whatever reason, Adobe felt it was a sensible move to ask users to upgrade to Lightroom 5 if they want to open E-P5 ORF files.


So what’s an E-P5 user to do? Easy, download exiftool (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/), and via the command line, change the model from E-P5 to E-M5 (exiftool -model="E-M5" [directory or file] ).

Problem solved.

Your move Adobe.